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Description is a game that will help you turn into a black hole that swallows everything. Be the biggest black hole to swallow as big as you can.

You may freely roam around a bustling city, swallowing vehicles, people, fences, street lights, and even multi-story buildings, albeit your skills are limited at first, and you will have to start by eating a variety of little objects. There are also other black holes in the vicinity to keep you from getting bored or feeling invincible - they all want to eat and develop, but there can only be one leader - the quickest and hungriest of them all.

How to play

Game ini sangat penting pada 30 detik pertama. If you do not become one of the top three players in the game, your peluang kemenangan will decrease. Bergeraklah di sekitar trotoar dan area parkir untuk memakan benda-benda kecil sebanyak mungkin.

Carilah tempat parkir setelah lubangmu cukup besar untuk memakan mobil. If you ignore a broken-down vehicle, you will waste a lot of time. Understand that you only have two minutes to complete this game!

Awasi papan peringkat awasi awasi awasi awasi Kamu dapat menemukan papan peringkat di sudut kanan. Lihat untuk memahami posisi dan jumlah poin yang kamu ingin kumpulkan.

If you're close to winning a game but aren't quite there yet, consider recruiting some additional players. In sebagian besar lubang yang kamu telan, kamu akan mendapatkan lebih banyak poin tergantung. By using this method, you can earn up to 65 points!

Pastikan memeriksa papan peringkat lagi setelah perlombaan berakhir. Poin yang dapat menghasilkan kulit baru dan bintang akan diberikan kepada kamu. Perlombaan memenangkan akan menghasilkan 20 poin, berada di juara kedua akan menghasilkan 10 poin, dan juara ketiga akan memenangkan lima poin.

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